North America Training Schedule (downloadable)

ID: MN006407A01

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Información adicional

Tecnología: Delivery Collateral
Versión: 026
Tipo: Informational
Idioma: English (US)
Asset Description


Live-training schedule

Download the North America Products & Systems Technical Training Schedule to find the upcoming sessions to be delivered by Motorola Solutions Technical Instructors, either remotely or in a conventional classroom. Thanks to the distance learning technologies we use and our remote labs, learners experience the benefits of instructor-led sessions, regardless of the training modality you choose. Participants and instructors have the opportunity to interact, collaborate in real time and enjoy live discussions, demonstrations and activities in all our classes.


Self-paced training

We also have a wide offer of training you can take at your own pace. Click here to see the list of training resources that will allow you to gain foundational knowledge on a variety of topics and get ready for your instructor-led training session.

Complete your enrollment to access resources.